Fund Managers


Rolling Returns
Rolling returns give a sense of the returns generated for a certain holding period irrespective of the day on which an investor invests in a particular fund. In the calculation below, 1 year rolling returns are calculated over 3 year period, 3 year returns have been calculated for a 5 year period and 5 year returns have been calculated on a daily basis for a 10 year period. The bars represent the % of instances where the fund has provided returns within a certain return range. For greater details on calculation methodology, please refer to rolling return calculations in the performance tab.
Bars show distribution of returns in given range for selected time period.

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Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and the same may not necessarily provide the basis for comparison with other investment. Period for which fund’s performance has been provided is computed based on last day of the last month. Different plans shall have different expense structure. The performance details provided here are of regular plan. Since inception returns have been calculated from the date of allotment till -. Absolute returns are computed on investments of ₹10,000. Returns are computed on Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) basis. Source: www.mutualfundsindia.com. Returns greater than 1 year period are compounded annualized (CAGR).
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Bars show distribution of returns in given range for selected time period.
1 year rolling returns were calculated in CAGR terms on a daily basis for JM Flexicap Fund over the period of 3 years from August 2020 to August 2023. Returns pertain to growth option. Source: Ace MF, JMF MF Research. Past performance may or may not be repeated in the future and the same may not necessarily provide the basis for comparison with other investments.
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